Knowledge Platform
Eight Italian international Companies subscribed a manifesto for the Circular Economy. They constituted an ‘Alliance for the circular economy’ to drive and accelerate the transition toward a circular economy model in Italy.
Anna Bajomi and Viola Shanini
he booklet presents projects delivering large scale physical interventions, offering energy advice, smart metering or financial support for energy poor households and finally bottom-up projects which actively involve the concerned households.
Ellen MacArthur Foundation 2017
The shift from a linear to circular economy in Europe is accelerating by the transitional power of new technology and business models.
Recommendations for the Danish Government
Ever since the industrial revolution, world industry has mainly produced according to a linear approach: We extract raw materials, produce, consume and throw away. This ‘linear economy’ has generated considerable wealth in the world, but has also resulted in severe overexploitation of global resources.
Developing the knowledge base
The European Environment Agency (EEA)’s publication The European environment — State and outlook 2015 highlights ‘stimulating resource-efficient, low-carbon economic and social development’ as essential to achieving the 2050 vision of ‘living well within the limits of the planet’ as set out in the European Union (EU)’s 7th Environment Action Programme.
The sharing economy is shaped by cities. City authorities provide essential support functions that make the sharing economy grow. At the same time, it has an impact on many urban policies and concerns a range of city competences. As cities, we need to harness the full potential of the sharing economy and to channel the benefits, making sure all citizens will have access to these new opportunities. We also need to adjust current regulations to ensure fair and even competition.
Study for the ENVI Committee
Public procurement and the purchasing of services, works and supplies cover about 14% of European gross domestic product (GDP). Procurement initiatives, tools and guidance therefore have tremendous power and make products and services greener and more sustainable. The assessment carried out in this study provides results on the applicability of ongoing initiatives and shows how they contribute to the European Commission´s Action Plan on the Circular Economy.
The environmental goods and services sector (EGSS) accounts is a young statistical product. At best, country statisticians have hardly one decade of experience producing these accounts; at worst countries have just started building capacity and national expertise.
Marketa Pape
This analysis presents an overview of the current state of cycling mobility in the European Union and of the benefits stemming from cycling as a means of transport. It examines the challenges linked to making cycling a regular transport mode and looks at what is being done across the EU to address the problems identified. After discussing recent EU developments, the analysis concludes that cycling potential could be maximised by coordinated action at all levels of local government administration.
Catherine Farvacque-Vitkovic and Mihaly Kopanyi
Municipal Finances, A Handbook for Local Governments takes sides. It takes the side of mayors and municipal managers. Few publications on municipal fi nance target local-level decision makers and fi nancial staff in such a direct and pragmatic way.
Innovating for Sustainable Growth: A Bioeconomy for Europe
In order to cope with an increasing global population, rapid depletion of many resources, increasing environmental pressures and climate change, Europe needs to radically change its approach to production, consumption, processing, storage, recycling and disposal of biological resources.
European Commission
The action plan stressed that the transition to a more circular economy requires action throughout a product’s life-cycle: from production to the creation of markets for ‘secondary’ (i.e. waste-derived) raw materials.
Skupina za pripravo kažipota
Celoten Kažipot smo oprli na tako imenovani »krožni trikotnik«. povezuje tri neločljive elemente Ta povezuje tri neločljive elemente Ta povezuje tri neločljive elemente – krožno gospodarstvo, krožno spremembo in krožno kulturo.
Skupina za pripravo kažipota
Slovenijo v mednarodnem kontekstu predstavljamo kot deželo »ravno pravšnje velikosti«, da lahko uspešno povezujemo različne deležnike ter testiramo različne pobude, projekte in ideje. Dva milijona ljudi in dobrih 20.000 kvadratnih kilometrov površine.
Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor
Gospodarska rast je v preteklosti temeljila na izkoriščanju naravnih virov, pri čemer se je pogosto zdelo, da so zaloge surovin neomejene. Posledica tega je današnja t. i. »kriza virov«, nevarnost pomanjkanja naravnih surovin, in čedalje višje cene. V obdobjih kriz finančnih in gospodarskih sistemov ter ob naraščajočem pomanjkanju naravnih virov je prehod v zeleno gospodarstvo globalno čedalje pomembnejši za ohranjanje konkurenčnosti in kakovosti življenja.
Mestna občina Maribor
Osnovna ideja te Strategije kot tudi projekta Wcycle je modularni sistem za upravljanje z vsemi viri, ki so na razpolago v občini in širšem urbanem okolju. Ustanovitvena podjetja so v prvi vrsti najbolje opremljena za razvoj projektov, vendar do sedaj niso imele zmogljivosti medsebojno povezanega delovanja, kar je temeljno načelo pri prehodu iz linearnega v krožno gospodarstvo.