Impulse centre Vorau team hands over the GREENCYCLE circular economy strategy to the mayor of Vorau

During a pre-Christmas meeting on the 17th of December representants from the impulse centre Vorau handed out the GREENCYCLE circular economy strategy to Bernhard Spitzer, the mayor of Vorau. Since several years the region of Vorau is already engaged in sustainable projects. GREENCYCLE is the first european funded project for the organization. In the region have been located consequently innovative enterprises in the field of energy, environmental and building technology as well as plant manufacturing. Main target of the impulse centre as an innovation and management centre is to empower the sustainable usage of ressources and the linkage between research & development and the practice.

In the energy and building sector as well as in other fields the region of Vorau will contribute to a resource efficient and low-carbon economy and targets circular economy. In the context of the EU initiative GREENCYCLE and in the developed circular economy strategy the municipality of Vorau aims to reach this. The region accepts this challenge and takes over the responsibility for the implementation of the necessary measures. The GREENCYCLE strategy has been processed in the year 2019 by the employees of IZ Vorau with support of SPINTEC and the EROM GmbH.

Impulse centre Vorau team hands over the GREENCYCLE circular economy strategy to the mayor of Vorau-2

Photo: Markus Plank (Spintec), Markus Ebner (Spitzer), BGM Bernhard Spitzer and Christian Allmer (IZ Vorau)  as well as Angelika Glatz-Allmer (KEM Energieimpuls Vorau) during the handover of the GREENCYCLE strategy (photo credit:

Partners involved: IZ Vorau, municipality of Vorau, Spintec

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