“Mappare Trento (fa) bene!”: A mappathon experiment during Trento Smart City Week 2018
- April 25, 2018
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Uncategorized

The 13/04/2018 took place in Trento a “mappathon” (mapping event) organised in strict collaboration between two european Interreg Alpine Space projects, ‘GREENCYCLE’ and ‘LOS_DAMA!’, involving staff from Comune di Trento and Informatica Trentina spa. The event was included in the schedule of Trento Smart City Week 2018 festival (more details available on the official website www.smartcityweek.it).
The aim of the initiative was to test a tool for the collection and submission of geocoded data and for gathering the mapping information about some interesting target categories, such as the ones that allow to prolong the life cycle of goods (e.g. repair services) and to reduce wastes and transports (e.g. local and organic food sellers).
This activity is part of the implementation of Trento City’s Greencycle pilot project’Exploitation of local resources and materials’ and for testing the Greencycle toolbox. Besides these, also parking lots and architectural barriers were mapped, to analyse and develop the connectivity between the city center and the outskirts, one of the targets of the ‘LOS_DAMA!’ project, the other EU project involved.
The 25 participants, the “mappers”, were mostly students from a local high school, and they has been provided with all the necessary tools and instructions, so they could explore the provided area and make the mapping by their mobile phone. After the event, a feeback was collected from them both on the efficacy of the tools and the potential benefit of such a mapping activity for the promotion of a more sustainable consumption.